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Version: 5.14.1

Create Collaboration Add-ons

Collaboration add-ons with default values are already pre-configured when creating a collaboration environment RKE2 cluster. See Create an RKE2 Cluster for more details before reading further.

When Configuring the Cluster Options, you can select which collaboration add-ons to enable/disable from the IaC, as well as configure any non-default add-on values (if desired), as shown below.

Enable or Disable Collaboration Add-ons Before Cluster Creation

Each add-on is its own Terragrunt module with a terragrunt.hcl file. By default, only certain collaboration add-ons are enabled on initial cluster creation. If you do not want a particular add-on to be created, you can disable its IaC by setting skip = true in its infra-iac/modules/<addon_name>/terragrunt.hcl:

skip = true

include "common" {
path = find_in_parent_folders("common.hcl")

Set skip = false (or omit this line) to enable the IaC for this add-on.


You also need to enable/disable the CaC for the add-on, as described in Installation Options. The add-on should have its IaC and CaC both either enabled or disabled. An add-on may fail if the add-on CaC is enabled while its IaC is disabled. On the other hand, any enabled add-on IaC resources will be idle and wasted if there is no corresponding CaC enabled for it.

Configuring Collaboration Add-on Options Before Cluster Creation

When creating a new cluster, the <addon_name>_inputs section in the env.hcl file should be created or updated using values appropriate to the needs of the specific add-on in your cluster. Without this section, the add-on will be created with the default IaC values for that add-on specified in its infra-iac/modules/<addon_name>/ file.

For example, the configuration below changes the RDS instance class for the Confluence add-on from its default db.t4g.medium to db.t4g.large and makes it persistent:

  confluence_inputs = {
rds_instance_class = "db.t4g.large"
persistent = true

Please refer to the add-on's infra-iac/modules/<addon_name>/ file for a list of all variables that can be configured and their default values.

For more information on recommended add-on values for the env.hcl, particularly values suitable for a high-availability production cluster, please refer to Production-Grade Deployment Requirements documentation.