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Version: 5.11.0

Structsure Core

Introduction to Structsure Core

The Structsure Core represents the foundational components of the Structsure platform. While it operates predominantly behind the scenes in both the Developer Collaboration Environment (DCE) and Deploy Targets (DTs), its significance cannot be understated. The Core ensures that every application, service, or system built atop the Structsure platform is grounded in principles of resilience, scalability, reliability, and security ((rs)2).

Purpose of the Structsure Core

Though not typically sold as a standalone product, the Structsure Core serves a crucial role:

  1. Unified Base: It provides a standardized and consistent base, ensuring that irrespective of the varied tools or components chosen for the DCE or DT, the foundational elements remain consistent and robust.
  2. Backend Operations: While developers and users interact with tools and services in the DCE or DT, the Core manages the essential backend operations, from network communication to security enforcement.
  3. Integrations & Extensions: The Core acts as the bedrock, making it easier to integrate additional tools or extend functionalities in the DCE or DT.

Components of the Structsure Core

Service Mesh

  • Istio: Facilitates reliable and secure microservice communication, ensuring seamless interaction between services and providing observability, traffic management, and security.

Monitoring & Logging

  • Prometheus: Used for event monitoring and alerting
  • Grafana: Provides a platform for real-time data analytics and monitoring
  • Loki: A multi-tenant log aggregation system
  • Kiali: Offers observability into the service mesh, allowing for visualizations of data flow and service topology
  • Promtail/Logstash: Collects, parses, enriches, and sends logs to log aggregation system


  • Jaeger or Tempo: Tools dedicated to tracing requests through various microservices, which are vital for debugging and performance optimization

Security & Compliance

  • OPA-Gatekeeper or Kyverno: Enforces policies across the Kubernetes clusters, ensuring compliance and security standards are met
  • Twistlock or Neuvector: Guarantees container runtime security, safeguarding applications from potential threats
  • Certificate Management: (Optional component) Dynamically issue and manage certificates to simplify operations

Cloud Integration

  • Terraform: A tool used for provisioning and managing infrastructure as code, compatible with multiple cloud platforms, including AWS


The Structsure Core may not be the most visible component of the Structsure platform, but its presence is felt in every operation, deployment, and line of code that runs on it.